Your daddy and I went to the hospital on the morning of March 22nd and checked in around 6am for your induction. We were going to try for a natural labor, but by 4pm that afternoon, we asked the doctor to break my water to get things moving along. We were ready to meet you! Here's you mom and dad in the hospital -
After my water broke, the pain was pretty intense. I went from 4cm dilated to 7cm dilated in a couple of hours and decided to have an epidural. After the epidural, I got some rest until about 9 or 10pm when we started trying to get you to turn face down for your birth. The nurse at the hospital worked with me for two hours to get you to turn and thankfully you cooperated! I knew you were ready to be born just before midnight and you almost arrived before the doctor could scrub in! I pushed for twenty minutes and then you were born!
Your first week at home has been amazing! Your grandmother DeeDee stayed with us for a few days after you were born and gave you lots of love and cuddles. You started losing weight before we left the hospital and got down to 6lbs and 11ounces. Your doctor, Dr. Mark Jones, thought we should supplement with formula and we're hoping that you're gaining lots of weight after that.
Andrew we love you so much! You are more amazing that we could have ever imagined.
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