Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Big Milestones for Everyone

Well, once again Charlie has decided to surprise us. He's had a tough week with a runny nose and cold that has kept him awake at night and made him feel just yuck. He's continued to have multiple night wakings that are just very unusual and unlike him. And then, on Thursday evening during his bath, he decided to reveal that he has two bottom teeth! So, this whole week the poor baby has just been teething. Just a little earlier than his brother, who didn't get any teeth until he was 8 months :)

Andrew has also had a very tough week. We didn't pick the best time to do this, but we felt it was time. We had to start the process of breaking up with our wubanub paci (bear, or as Andrew says, "Beow"). He had a very tough first night without it. He was frustrated, and continued to try and hand the broken Beow to his Daddy and I to fix it (we cut the end off). He was so confused and it was pretty heart breaking. I will miss my sweet boy walking around with his paci. We were ok with him having it at night, but after Charlie was born, he started needing it more and more and we became concerned about his mouth and dental issues. Sometimes he can seem like such a baby, and other times, he seems like such a toddler. We were pretty sure he was ready to move on, but we're still struggling at night to fall asleep without it.

This past weekend we took a tour of TCU with our cousin "Ray Ray" as Andrew calls her. She's applying to schools all over Texas and we wanted to share our local campus with her. It's such a beautiful school and looks so different from when we were there over 10 years ago!

Enjoying some activity mat together

Andrew & Charlie enjoying the last few days of warmth and sun before winter

Working on our horned frog sign

Seeing what's so cool about the swing

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