Saturday, September 20, 2014

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

Happy 3 months Charlie boy!

You are such a cuddler and a happy boy. You make us laugh every day when the family is busy all around you and we look over at you and you're just cracking yourself up in your seat. You find a lot to smile about and your smile is precious. You love talking these days and will chat with anyone who wants to have a conversation with you. The biggest thing you've surprised us with is how agile you are! You cannot be trusted alone anywhere unless you are strapped down. You roll all over the place when on the floor and have rolled out of seats more than once (yes, mom fail). You roll when you're happy and when you're mad... and when you're mad, everybody better watch out. You have one fierce and stubborn temper. You've rubbed your knees and your cheek raw from your temper fits, and you've even managed to unzip your own sleep sack and get it wrapped around your neck when we didn't come get you up out of bed early enough (again, mom fail).

You are starting to really watch your brother and delight in him. Andrew loves you so much and his patience with a new baby brother is heart warming. He brings you your blankets, your burp cloths, your pacifier and your bottle. He just sets them in your chair with you or on the play mat next to you... or gives them to mommy is she's holding you. Your brother loves you and wants you to be happy and cared for.

You've recently decided to give up your hatred of the car seat and have started enjoying going on walks in the evenings. It's so much fun to take you and Andrew out in the stroller and enjoy the nice "fall" weather we're having (it's less than 100 degrees outside right now). You're also starting to eat much better and not every bottle is a battle like it was for a while. When you're hungry, you are HUNGRY. And then other days, you act like you'd like to go on a fast.

You've also had another cold this week... I think this has become our norm now that big brother is in school one morning a week. Sorry baby boy :( You're handling it very well I think, but you just can't sleep or eat well when your nose is stopped up. Hopefully we'll be all better soon.

Here are some pictures of what you've been up to lately!
Happy boy hanging out on your hippo! This is before you rolled off and face planted on the floor :(

Brother kisses

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