Sunday, March 31, 2013

But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16

Andrew, you have made your arrival! Much to our surprise, you decided to hold off a bit and be born on your Aunt Kim's birthday, March 23rd. You were born at 12:08am on Saturday morning, and you weighed 7lbs 6oz and were 20 1/4 inches long.  You just took our breath away when you were born you were so perfect!

Your daddy and I went to the hospital on the morning of March 22nd and checked in around 6am for your induction. We were going to try for a natural labor, but by 4pm that afternoon, we asked the doctor to break my water to get things moving along. We were ready to meet you!  Here's you mom and dad in the hospital -

After my water broke, the pain was pretty intense. I went from 4cm dilated to 7cm dilated in a couple of hours and decided to have an epidural. After the epidural, I got some rest until about 9 or 10pm when we started trying to get you to turn face down for your birth. The nurse at the hospital worked with me for two hours to get you to turn and thankfully you cooperated! I knew you were ready to be born just before midnight and you almost arrived before the doctor could scrub in! I pushed for twenty minutes and then you were born!

 Your first week at home has been amazing! Your grandmother DeeDee stayed with us for a few days after you were born and gave you lots of love and cuddles. You started losing weight before we left the hospital and got down to 6lbs and 11ounces. Your doctor, Dr. Mark Jones, thought we should supplement with formula and we're hoping that you're gaining lots of weight after that.

You look so much like your daddy right now. It looks like you have his nose, his little hair swirl on the top right side, and his chin. We're not sure who's eyes you have yet. We can't wait to see you grow and change and are loving every minute with you. This week you've started to ask for more formula (3oz every 2.5-3 hours) and I'm also trying to nurse and bottle feed you with breastmilk. You like to make lots of dirty diapers every day and yesterday you pooped all over your daddy! You love to eat and look around at everyone and you try to hold your head up to find people who are talking around you.

 Andrew we love you so much! You are more amazing that we could have ever imagined.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Dear Andrew,
Tomorrow we will meet you face to face. I can hardly believe that this special day is upon us. You have been all your daddy and I can think and talk about for weeks, and we're so excited about your birthday tomorrow. But your mommy is also a little sad that you won't be in my tummy anymore after tomorrow! I've loved having you with me all these months, talking to you and taking you everywhere I go, and feeling your reactions and movements throughout each day. Now I will get to see them instead of feel them.

Who will you look like?
What color will your eyes be?
Will you have hair?
How big will you be?
What will your first cry sound like?

These are the questions we have wondered for months, and we get to see all the answers tomorrow! I have prayed for and thought about the moment when the doctor puts you in my arms for so long, the moment when I can finally say "Here you are, my son." You are our destiny and you will be the most important person in our lives.

Tomorrow you will be welcomed by your daddy and me, your grandmother DeeDee, your Aunt Kobie and Uncle Tate, and your cousins, Rayli, Kasen & Lexi. They will all be anxiously awaiting your arrival! Sleep well sweet son, we have a very big day ahead of us tomorrow! I love you so much.
