Friday, November 22, 2013

Let them also offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, And tell of His works with joyful singing. Psalm 107:22

Tomorrow you'll be 8 months old, Andrew! You are so big and so far from the tiny tiny baby you were when we brought you home. I remember the days when I worried so much about your weight and making sure you were getting enough to eat each week… and now you're outgrowing your clothes before I can turn around. You're wearing 12-18 month clothes now, and I'm thinking your foot may be getting big enough for a size 4 shoe. So much for wearing those adorable Toms that were bought for you before you were born. You outgrew those in about 2 weeks before we had an opportunity to even try them on again.

These days you think pretty much everything and everyone is funny. You laugh at any funny face that people make and you sometimes you just sit and laugh in your carseat at nothing. Your joy is contagious and it makes my heart so happy. Lately I've been a little worried about you and your eating habits. It seems you have a fear of just about anything with a "texture." So no mum mums, no puffs,  no yogurt bites for you. You hate any and all things that aren't smooth and soupy. You immediately get a petrified look on your face if something "texture-y" makes it into your mouth and you dramatically gag until you've projectile vomited everything you've eaten for the day. Hopefully we outgrow this stage soon! I'm ready for you to have a little more variety in your diet… you're going to love solid foods, I promise!

Here are some pictures of you and Miles at Tanglewood park the other day.

Also, you decided to go ahead and try out pulling up in your crib the other day! So we went ahead and lowered it down a bit before you topple over the top one night :) Here you are super proud of yourself for pulling up.

We think you're going to start crawling any day now because you're up on all fours rocking and we know you can army crawl around your space to get to the toys you want to reach. You're also very fascinated with Miles, which is super funny. Miles has always been interested in you, so I think he likes that you've finally decided to make friends with him. He's so patient with you while you pull on his ears, fur and feet every day.

Last week we took a road trip to Dallas to visit my friend Emily and her new baby girls, Grace & Kate. Their big sister Caroline was happy to see you and you guys played so well together. You were a very sweet guest and it was a fun afternoon!

And here's a few more fun pictures of what you've been up to lately!
One last warm day in November before winter strikes!

Good morning baby!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:5-7

Well we had a very important weekend last weekend! Our church hosted a Parent Dedication where your Dad and I got to bring you in front of our family and friends and declare publicly our plans to raise you in a Christian home, our goal to help you learn to know Christ intimately, to have a relationship with Him and to become a man of God. Your grandparents, Grandy and Papa, flew in from Kansas City to see you and be a part of the ceremony. Your DD, Granny, Aunt Kobie, Uncle Tate, Rayli, Kasen, Lexi and Emmi all came from Sulphur Springs too!

Eating lunch together while you took your morning nap

You LOVED seeing your family!

Your great-grandmother loves you so much!

You and Papa are best buds!

Here we are in front of the church

Everyone together!

Of course your best bud Delilah was there for support!

We are so thankful for our church and for the opportunity to be able to bring you in front of our closest friends and family and tell everyone how much we love the Lord and will continue to strive to put Him first in our home. And how cute are you in that vest?! Love you baby!